Tattva Bali Retreat & Wellness

Bali Yoga Retreat, Healing and Wellness Retreat Centre in Ubud

True wellness comes from being healthy in body and mind. Care for both with a yoga routine that nurtures your strength, flexibility, and balance.

In Hindu terminology, the word “tattva” that is being the name of our wellness retreat in Ubud is defined as the basis of belief. The thought must be believed to be true. Tattva also related with five basic elements and chakras in our body. Each has corresponding symbols and colors.

Earth is associated with muladhara (root chakra), water is associated with svadisthana (sacral chakra), fire is with with manipura (the solar plexus chakra), air with anahata (heart chakra), and sky with visuddha (throat chakra).

The five tattvas are present everywhere and having them balanced in the body is essential to one’s health. Practicing yoga is the best way to balance the five tattvas, gaining higher levels of consciousness and spiritual fulfilment.

The initial purpose of this healing and wellness retreat center in Bali is to introduce yoga and meditation deeper to a wider community who love to experience their spiritual journey in Bali, to teach self -healing combined with strong Balinese spiritual tradition.

The teachers at Tattva Ubud are experts in their respective fields, proudly locally sourced, with international experiences and certifications such as in Kundalini, Asana, Vinyasa, energy medicine healing which includes energy massage, remove energy blockages, sound healing, and all kinds of healing music like flute meditation hypnotherapy, yoga dances, and soul dance.

We strongly believe through good energies, vibrations, and spiritualism, you would reach a better mindful-life.

Tattva Bali yoga retreat, healing and wellness retreat centre located in Ubud. Join us at our boutique yoga studio nestled in Ubud, Bali.

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